Thursday, July 20, 2017


Metaphorically speaking, the sooner that Dr. Trump cuts out that Jewish brain tumor problem at the DOJ, the better off we will all be. ~ And by 'we' I mean we Americans. ~ And not those other people who are not like us. ~ As just confirmed by the new Samantha Power news that confirms the Moon Unit Zappa political suicide scenario in AP:II. ~ Where the two look alike Austin Powers role play the two witnesses and put an end to the world of Dr.Evil's [too lazy to shop white people] and save the sexy blond white girl. ~ See: ~ GSR/TWN ~ POWER NOTES: The redhead Ms Power does look like Kathy Griffin from almost every conceivable angle possible, at: ~ PS ROSIE: That is yours truly, the Scottish 1960s 007 secret blogger agent swinger. ~ Who bumps into the future Barack Obama while trying to escape from Dr.Evil's private volcano island henchmen. ~ So he slips into some tourists paradise island trap for rich white people. ~ Where we see Rihanna dancing on fire for a few measly tips and the occasional $20 bonus trick on the side; just to put a little food on the table for the rest of her family. ~ So where did I go wrong with you? ~ Plus, like you, and she also likes the girls that I like. ~ Throw me a bone. ~ I need the info. ~

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